Town Board Meetings
2nd Tuesday - 6:00 PM
Sparta Town Hall
5724 Hamlet Ave
Sparta, WI 54656
Meeting dates/times are subject to change. Watch for agenda postings.
Building and Driveway Permits
The State of Wisconsin requires all towns to have a building inspector when their population reaches 2500 and we are well over that number. Consult building inspector Randy Sullivan for agricultural or residential building projects, no matter the size. He will determine needed permits.
Just a reminder - a building permit is required on any construction over $2000 and must be inspected by a certified inspector upon completion. The Town of Sparta also requires that a dumpster be obtained to adequately dispose of waste materials for new home construction and major remodeling projects.
Randy Sullivan - 608-269-5858 cell 608-487-1514
All Structures 100 square feet or larger need a zoning permit from Monroe County Zoning Department before you come to the Town Clerk or the building inspector (Randy Sullivan), regardless of the type of structure. Additions of any kind on any type of structure have the same requirements.
If your property is within the extra-territorial district, you will need a zoning permit from the City of Sparta.
Building Inspector
Randy Sullivan . . . 608-269-5858(office) 608-487-1514(cell)
Driveway Permits
For a Driveway Permit, contact chairperson Kevin Raymer 608-633-3944
Address Application
For new addresses numbers or replacement address signs please contact:
Jeremiah Erickson
Land Information Officer/GIS Coordinator
Monroe County
14345 County Highway B, Suite 5
Sparta, WI 54656
PHN: 608-269-8698