Town Board Meetings
2nd Tuesday - 6:00 PM
Sparta Town Hall
5724 Hamlet Ave
Sparta, WI 54656
Meeting dates/times are subject to change. Watch for agenda postings.
Town Sparta Bulletin Board
Next monthly Town Board meeting is Tuesday, January 14th at 6:00 pm.
Notice is hereby given: The Sparta Town Clerk has received Notification of NonCandidacy forms from Town Chairman Kevin Raymer and supervisor Clarence Justin. These officers will not be a candidate for their offices at the Spring Election on April 01, 2025. Nomination forms and information concerning the election may be received by contacting the Town Clerk at This is a two year term effective April 15, 2025. The first day to circulate nomination papers is December 01, 2024. Nomination forms are required to be returned to the Town Clerk no later than Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Town of Sparta Clerk